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Будет ли добавлено в настройках опция оптимизация FPS ?  A то, у меня, он падает до 4 когда персонажи двигаются.

I'll see what can be done. That might be one thing that is beyond my control depending on what causes that.

Предполагаю, что там слишком много плагинов для интерактива с окружением.

И кстати у меня с арены также.

If it can help, can you describe when and where in the Arena demo this is happening? I'm going through it with whatever can show me dips in the FPS but nothing is resulting in constant drops to the amount you're experiencing.

Наверное это всё из-за моего железа...

Ноутбук из 2017 года выпуска. Обычно когда я скачиваю RPG игры сделан на RPG Maker они нормально работают, Но в данном случае движение очень медленные. 

That's probably the case then. I'm operating off of a desktop, so I imagine older laptops will struggle.

This game is so cool I cant wait for the full release of this game! There has never been a Tales of Fangame with this much passion before! I mean I cant wait till you fully release it!

Будет ли версия на Android

I found about this game like a day or two ago and you can't imagine how excited I was to see a Tales fangame being developed! They're so incredibly rare (perhaps due to the battle system used).

I tested both demos and, understandably, the Arena Demo is nicer tho it lags for me in the arena's lobby. A lot of things are pretty cool:

  • Picnic Basket is pretty cool, although it could use some pop-ups during battle because I can't seem to be able what effects are activated.
  • Artes look nice; you even used some animations I made which makes me very happy, although I see I will need to update them for Effekseer 1.70 so they'll actually look legit.

Regarding various devlogs you posted, I'd like to say a few things:

  • The altered arte system looks pretty great, I think that perhaps I should incorporate it into one of my character's artesets but maybe in a somewhat different form. On a side note: what if you have enough TP to be able to execute the base arte, but not enough to perform its altered form? What do you do then?
  • Interesting idea with streamlining arte common events. Perhaps I should do it as well.

I'd also like to "point" out a few things:

  • I noticed you haven't implemented arte banners even though they aren't that difficult to do so. With Visustella's Message Core and it's plugin command to display text on an image it's not that difficult; you just need to set on a single image because you can't resize the image cuz it would also resize the text. Here's an example of what can be done (while it's on a map, it serves  pretty good demonstrational purpose).
  • Will you be implementing skits? From experience I can tell they're quite handful but cam be implemented without use of any plugins, just patience and time are needed.
  • While I understand its likely a temporary font, I would suggest changing the default font: it doesn't looks very good, being a fixed-width, typewriter-kinda font; Arial's a good, safe choice.
  • Maybe rename William's "Copy - Novice" to "Novice Mimicast" or "Novice Mimicopy" since at first he "mimics" enemy spells which he learns/copies after using them for x times.

World-building wise I noticed you mixed a lot of PS3-initially titles (Xillias, Zestiria, and Berseria) with spirits, spirit artes, and malevolence. Personally, I don't think it's bad, just an observation.

I'm already very invested and interested in this game. I hope that at some point we'll get an actual story demo; I'm craving for more! ;)

Would love to talk with you some more. We could perhaps exchange ideas and what-not.

(3 edits)

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! Your animations are amazing and I can get plenty of mileage from them. As for the various points, let me try and address them.

1. The lobby, I'll definitely need to look into. I personally haven't had issues, but if there is something about it causing to lag for other people, then I should at least see if anything can be done to fix it.

2. The Message Core thing isn't a bad idea, I just haven't had time to experiment with it during battle. I've been relying on just using the default setup and putting in icons where appropriate, though I could stand to do more. It's one of those things I considered waiting to do later once I had more things done since I want to get more of the main game started.

3. For Altered Artes, I currently have it where having the appropriate skill equipped will turn the base arte into its altered arte, but the version is weaker to compensate for using the base's TP. Using the altered arte directly is stronger, but with more TP. There are things regarding the battle system I'm still trying to work out, especially when trying to balance so many characters.

4. I would 'love' to do skits, I just need to decide how to implement them. They'll also require a lot of money on my end to get appropriate artwork made, so that is definitely a thing I'll have to plan for later.

5. I will give Arial a try. I am down for experimenting with font types.

6. Mimicopy is very clever. I will go ahead with that.

7. As a fan-game, I am taking a lot from various titles to help craft a story, though as I put more thought into it, things will be revised to hopefully be more original without needing to heavily involve those other aspects. This game is not just about me trying to do what I couldn't do years ago, but to help see if I can actually create a worthwhile story. Tales means a lot to me, and I want to make something of it, even if it's small.

I do hope to get an actual story demo done before the year is done, though with how much I have to do, it might not happen exactly as when I want it. Just a matter of needing to better manage my time, but at least now I have more input on what I can do to try and make it better. 

EDIT: Oh, and as for the Picnic Basket demo, I don't know if I'll update it with all the new stuff, I might just have to replace it with a new version of it that's set during the part of the story where it's properly introduced. Though that will take a long while, since I actually have to get to that point in the story. I'm still in the prologue portion of the story, and I'm currently planning to have the feature show up partway into what I consider the story's first chapter.

If at all possible, I would like to contact you in regards to a question I had to one of your concerns. If you are able, I am available on Twitter if you want to talk through DMs.