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Progress Report: February 2025
March 02, 2025
#Progress Report, #General Update
February has come and gone, and what have I accomplished? Honestly, not a whole lot. I began work on one of the major story areas but kept getting distracted with other things. I suppose that says a l...
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Progress Report: January 2025
February 01, 2025
#General Update, #Progress Report
I hope everyone is having a happy new year so far...or at least getting by the best way possible. I know there's a lot going on and I hope that I can at least provide some entertainment or distraction...
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Arena Demo - Update #6
January 22, 2025
#General Update, #Patch Update
I had time before MAGFest to update the Arena Demo so that players can try out some mechanics I've put in the main story. This includes... General Additions - Everything that was added in the Prologue...
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Prologue Demo - Update #4
January 17, 2025
#General Update, #Patch Update
After many months, I've finally updated the Prologue Demo. As I'm still working on getting the train sequence completed, I'm not going to bump this up to version 3 just yet. I am getting close to wher...
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Asset Update - Piper's Status and Skit Portraits
January 13, 2025
#General Update, #Art Assets
Recently, I commissioned for an updated status portrait of Piper and some skit portraits of her as well. Below is the old status portrait and the new one. Given how the engine operates, save files wil...
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Progress Report: December 2024
January 01, 2025
#General Update, #Progress Report
I apologize for a lack of posts this month. Had a con to attend to, had to work on a bunch of videos, and was busy for the holidays. I did get work done on the game though, and it was mostly on the pa...
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Progress Report: November 2024
December 05, 2024
#General Update, #Progress Report
Going to start labeling these reports by month and year going forth. In any event, this will be short as I am currently away at Midwest Fur Fest, as a regular attendee. I'll be leaving my little busin...
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Area Building - Anchbhaile Overworld
November 17, 2024
#Area Building, #General Update
Having recently finished drafting the story events for Cambio, I considered going back to past stuff to touch up and update for what I started doing during this section of the game. But then I decided...
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Progress Report: Vera Event and Other Things
November 04, 2024
#General Update, #Progess Report
We're about two months away from the end of the year, and I'm hoping to at least finish up all the Cambio story events by that point. I'm still a long while away from being able to extend the Prologue...
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Progress Report: Cambio Nature Trail and Input-Based Abilities
October 06, 2024
#General Update, #Progress Report
September is over, and it was hectic having to balance video projects and this game. Although, I do feel like I got a lot done as I was able to assemble another dungeon-like area and get 'most' of the...
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Enemy Animation Sprites - Cambio Nature Trail
September 15, 2024
#General Update
I spent some time working on creating maps for Cambio and its nature trail, and also had time to program some enemies that will appear during this part. Featured in the video are mostly new enemies, a...
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Map Design: Cambio Nature Trail
September 08, 2024
#General Update, #Map Design
It's been a while since I put out a blog post, so today I'll make it about the current 'dungeon' I'm working on. History The general area used to be one big mining field in The Old World, but during t...
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Progress Report: Over Limit and Other Changes
July 28, 2024
#General Update
Had a bit of a slow period, but I have begun going back through the beginning to make sure the skit system works in older maps. I also made placeholder NPC templates that I plan to lay about in maps p...
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Progress Report: Skit and Map Stuff
July 13, 2024
#General Update
Apologies for the lack of updates, been busy trying to catch up on video reviews and other real-life events. However, in my spare time, I've been polishing the Skit System so that it functions without...
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Feature Mechanic: Skit System
June 28, 2024
#General Update, #Feature Mechanic
Now that I have enough resources to pull this off, I'm happy to announce that I am able to implement a working skit system into the game. It's a staple for pretty much every Tales game, and has appear...
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Map Design: Cambio
June 18, 2024
#General Update, #Maps
So this week, I'm going to talk about the second settlement that you visit in the main story. It's a small farming community, called Cambio, and it is also where you meet with the one taking the Spiri...
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Emergency Update
June 03, 2024
#General Update
So while I was at work, I had someone inform me they had a nasty bug that occurred after they lost a battle in the bonus scenario. Fortunately, it wasn't anything in the events, it was a plugin issue...
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Prologue Demo Update #4
June 02, 2024
#General Update
This is a somewhat small update, as there hasn't been any comments on any bugs or issues that needed to be addressed. Battle System Changes - Using the AttackChain plugin from triacontane, there is no...
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Arena Demo - Update #5/Prologue Demo - Update #3
May 26, 2024
#General Update
The Arena Demo has been updated to utilize the Battle Grid system and any changes made to the Prologue Demo. The Prologue Demo has also been updated to address some issues. The changes below mostly re...
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Small Progress Report
May 22, 2024
#General Update
Apologies for missing the update. I need a little more time to get the Arena demo done, and will have it done this Sunday. I've been testing to make sure it can be beaten with the Battle Grid system,...
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Prologue Demo Update 2
May 05, 2024
#Game Update
It's been a while, and while progress on the story has halted since implementing the new battle system, I do intend to continue once the upcoming update to the Arena demo is made. I'll have things to...
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Feature Mechanic: Assign Artes and Battle Grid Test
April 21, 2024
#General Update, #Feature Mechanic
Assign Artes Now that I have an effective way to separate passive skills with normal skills, and to hide certain skills from menu itself, I can finally implement the Equip Battle Skills plugin. The wa...
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Progress Report: Train Story Event, Updated Status Image, and More
April 07, 2024
#General Update
I spent the few couple weeks using the time I had to sprite and progress through the current story event. Continuing from where the bonus content from the Prologue Demo ends, I have been able to inclu...
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Character Sprites: Bluebeard Pirates and Dark Wings
March 10, 2024
#General Update
I reached a point in the story that some characters of interest would appear, so I took the time to create sprites of them. For what skill I currently have, I like to say they aren't half-bad for some...
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Character Sprites: Sheria + Plugin Update
February 25, 2024
#General Update
This week, I've found time to create a base sheet for Sheria, one of several supporting pirate characters related to Krista. She isn't actually in the immediate scene I'm currently working on, but I f...
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Progress Report: Story and Possible Battle Feature
February 11, 2024
#General Update
Over the course of last week, I got to continue the story and was able to get about halfway through the current story event that takes place on a train, when pirates begin attacking. I decided to look...
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Prologue Demo Update 1
February 05, 2024
#General Update
I have updated the Prologue Demo; addressing most of the feedback, providing some changes and additions to make it a more substantial demo while I work out the main game. Story Additions Based on some...
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Feature Mechanic: Action Prompts
January 29, 2024
#General Update
Over the course of last week, as I was addressing issues from the feedback, I had the thought to try using the Visual Text Window Plugin that I had to use as a replacement for using pictures to displa...
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Map Updates
January 21, 2024
So, following up from last time, I decided that I want to continue what I've been doing regarding ceiling tiles. My reasoning goes back to the earlier engines and how some games implement them. They w...
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Status Update and Map Opinions
January 14, 2024
#General Update
First off, I'd like to address that I haven't been able to do much work last week because of other affairs, and the weather we've been having lately. That big snow storm that's been sweeping across th...
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Progress Report: Story and Feedback
January 08, 2024
#General Update
First week into the year, and I've made some progress in the story. While I don't plan to get too heavy in animations until later, I felt like I had enough time to include them for one of the scenes t...
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Prologue Demo Launch + Arena Demo Update
January 01, 2024
#General Update, #Demo Launch
Happy New Year to all! Last year was a lot for me, and still I managed to get a lot done. I got the Arena Demo made, I got working animations with Dragonbones, but more importantly I managed to put to...
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What To Expect for Both Demos
December 27, 2023
#General Update
The end of the month is near, meaning the Prologue Demo will be released Jan 1st. I'm currently doing the last tests to ensure it works well. Like with the Arena Demo, I will do whatever updates I can...
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Progress Report: Mystic Arte Complete + Arena Demo Tested
December 17, 2023
#General Update
Last stream, I finished up the boss Mystic Arte that can be used for an eventual rematch fight, and changed up the cutscene version of it so it can lead into the rest of the story that plays during th...
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Progress Report: Boss Mystic Arte
December 10, 2023
#General Update, #Progress Report
Over last week, I've done streams to get work done on the Mystic Arte for the "evil spirit" you fight toward the end of the demo. You can find the other video on the same channel as this one, but let...
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Plan for December
November 26, 2023
#General Update
December is coming, and I got a lot of video projects planned. Which is why I'm going to dedicate any streams I do that month to working on the game. It will be a chance to see my work on getting the...
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General Update - Title Screens
November 05, 2023
#General Update
Recently, I decided to obtain VisuStella's Event Title Scene plugin which bypasses the command to bring up the title screen and opens up a designated map in-game. So what I've done is assigned it to a...
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Preliminary Feature Mechanic: Skits
October 29, 2023
#General Update, #Feature Mechanic
Among the things I did over the week, I actually got started on a possible skit system. Now, the above screenshot is not final, as the image used is a placeholder; and depending on how the eventual ch...
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General Update - Story Finish + Corrine Animations
October 22, 2023
#General Update
Last week, I was able to find time to code in the story I wanted to include after the last boss fight in the ruins. This required making a couple new maps (like the one above, which I want to improve...
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Dragonbones Animations - Everything
October 15, 2023
#General Update
Well, first off, mind the strange sound effects going on. Apparently, when Adobe updated their programs, it caused something to happen where anything made with OGG files will become messed up. I don't...
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General Update - Initial End Goal Reached
October 09, 2023
#General Update
While this image is outdated for minor reasons, it is also the one thing I can post (without spoiling much else on the story itself) where I can say that I have reached the initial end goal I had for...
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Database Cleanup Tool
October 01, 2023
#General Update
So, last week I mentioned how I would do reorganize the database after I got everything settled. Turns out, I found a tool that made it super easy to organize everything without needing to do a whole...
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General Update - Future Plans
September 24, 2023
#General Update
With this post, I am close to reaching the current goal that I had set for the Prologue Demo; which was the first dungeon and all its associated story segments. There is plenty to do still, such as ge...
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Enemy Animation Sprites - Dungeon and Arena Variety
September 17, 2023
#General Update, #Animations
The other day, I was looking at the possibility of needing to try out the extraction tool that the folks from Life Bottle Productions made so I can get the sprites from Destiny DC. Couldn't make heads...
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Feature Mechanic: Sorcerer's Ring + Corrine
September 10, 2023
#General Update
So today, I have two things I like to talk about. The first of which involves a tool that is common in most Tales games, the Sorcerer's Ring! How It Works Now, there are a couple of plugins to make th...
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Map Design: Forest Ruins - Battle Maps
September 06, 2023
#General Update, #Map Design
While I do what I can to design the dungeon so that it has a good length and some meaningful puzzles, I also took time to design the first two battle maps. The first image below is for areas with a vi...
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Map Design: Forest Ruins - Exterior
August 31, 2023
#Map Design
With the first boss done (and in need of some finishing touches), I can once again return to the ancient ruins that lie deep within the forest. It is said that an evil spirit was sealed inside its mag...
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Feature Mechanic: Enemy Encounters
August 23, 2023
#Feature Mechanic
Today, I'm going to go over what I'm using for this game's battle encounters. While RPG Maker MZ offers the classic Random Encounters feature, I was leaning against it because it might have been diffi...
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Researching Plugin - Equip Battle Skills
August 17, 2023
#General Update
As you know by now, the current plugin I'm using for Passive Skills is one from another developer (Fomar0153), which is close to how some Tales games do them, but it isn't perfect since you don't see...
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Arena Demo - Update #4
August 10, 2023
#General Update
This is a small update mostly to fix a couple things, provide a (hopefully) temporary solution for Piper's forms, and the inclusion of an NPC that can help with in-game patching so you don't need to r...
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Art Asset: Title Logo
August 05, 2023
#Art Asset
I now have a logo for my game, thanks to galestormKitsun , who does some amazing artwork and designs. I'm hoping to incorporate this very soon, be it promotional material or when I get around to creat...
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Small Update Planned - Patch Turtlez
August 04, 2023
While working on a (possibly temporary) solution to Piper's Forms, I came to a decision that I should really have some way for players to be able to continue from their save file without needing to wo...
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Arena Demo - Update #3
July 31, 2023
#General Update
The Arena Demo has been updated with some changes and fixes. Not enough that I can say this is a 'major' update, but at least enough that I can provide any small updates as I get back to working on th...
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Research Needed for Vera
July 28, 2023
#General Update
So going through my current options, it seems I won't be able to program Vera in time for the next update; as such I'll focus more on getting it finished up with everything else. I do want to want to...
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A Follow-Up From The Other Day
July 23, 2023
#General Update
Since my current goal is to get an updated Arena Demo this month, I would like to talk about what I've been able to do in my spare time. Lobby Lag Fixed One of the major issues that was brought up bef...
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Character Sprites: William and Vera Updated
July 11, 2023
#General Update, #Character Sprites
I got around to updating both William and Vera's walking sprites so they were more accurate to how they should look, within the best I could do given design limitations. These are in a 'before and aft...
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Vera Animation Sprites and Current Plans
July 07, 2023
#Update, #Character Animations
Recently, I have obtained the last of Vera's basic animation sprites, and all were edited into DragonBones so they can be implemented into the game proper. Here are a sample of animations to expect: O...
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Effekseer - Wicked Tree Special Attack
June 21, 2023
#Game Design
While I intend to have the enemy attack animations set using the MV format, involving sprite sheets with multiple frames I can play around with at once, some enemies are too big to fit in the availabl...
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Dragonbones Animations - Monsters
June 13, 2023
Since the first demo, I've been attempting to use the monster sprites from various Tales games (mainly the PS2 line), and may even dabble outside it depending on how well they can fit with the art sty...
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General Update - Short Break
June 06, 2023
Apologies for not having posting anything. Between other projects, work, and certain games coming out that I wanted to play, I haven't had much time to work on 'this' project. That, and I am about to...
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Arena Demo - Small Update #1
April 26, 2023
#General Update
I've been very busy with other projects, and I was also trying to decide how to approach doing battlebacks, since I don't want to rely on the preset ones available to me. I'll go more in detail anothe...
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Arena Demo - Update #2
April 17, 2023
#General Update
This update is more on the minor side, but it's mostly for things that I had a chance to play with while looking toward progressing the main story. I had a lot going on so I wasn't able to move the st...
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Character Profile: Kaku Haruhi and Family
April 03, 2023
#General Update, #Character Profile
I recently finished putting together the main sprite sheets for supporting characters that are related to the main character, who will be part of the start of the story and some side-stuff later on. T...
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Arena Demo - Update
March 27, 2023
#Game Update
I have updated the Arena Demo to reflect some of the changes/additions I mentioned before. This will require a fresh save, given what I'm about to go over, as I'm sure some things will break or not wo...
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Feature Mechanic: Altered Artes
March 20, 2023
#Feature Mechanic
The next feature I'm going to talk about is (currently) intended for Aki, which is a commonly seen feature in other games. Altered Artes, as I'm going with, like in Vesperia will allow her to use diff...
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Feature Mechanic: Copy Artes/Condensing Code
March 13, 2023
#Feature Mechanic
I have two things to talk about in this post. The first of which involves something I've decided to do with one of the game's party members, William. I've mentioned before how he would probably learn...
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Next Demo Update
March 06, 2023
#General Update
At this time, I'm still waiting for one last animation for William to be made, but in the meantime I am going to make some changes/additions to the Arena demo. Now that I'm at a point in the main stor...
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Character Profile: Toto
February 19, 2023
#Character Profile
As I work on the main game, I'll end up having to create sprites for the various characters that inhabit it. Most of these are supporting characters, some antagonistic, but otherwise add variety to th...
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Feature Mechanic: Side-Quests
February 05, 2023
#Feature Mechanic
So first off, I was able to get the opening scenes finished in a state that they can be used for any story-demo I may put out in the future. Like anything, this will be subject to change as developmen...
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Character Sprites: Kid Aki and Haru
January 29, 2023
#Character Sprites
Since the release of the demo, I've been slowly at it getting the story started. Of course, this does require me to produce some animations and new sprite sheets to get as much out of the scene as pos...
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Arena Demo - First Release!
January 21, 2023
#General Update
The Arena Demo has finally been released! Again, this will be updated periodically as I balance things out and fix certain issues. You can find what is available in the earlier devlog , but here are s...
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Arena Demo - What To Expect
January 15, 2023
#General Update
I'm happy to announce that I'm nearing a point where I can actually release the next demo this coming weekend. There are a few things left to do, such as finish the "ending" for the demo and balance t...
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Arena Demo - Introduction Scene
January 09, 2023
#Video Post, #General Update
Now that I've returned from MAGFest, I'm going to devote more time this month to the game and actually have the demo done this month. Prior to this month, I was able to implement a kind of story cutsc...
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General Update 2
December 18, 2022
#General Update
Apologies for the lack of updates lately. Late last month, I was away for a convention, and when I got back I thought I would have an opportunity to get some major work done. Turns out, I was wrong. I...
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Current Issues
November 09, 2022
#General Update
For a while now, I've been trying to get the motion frames for the characters to work right, but lately they haven't been at all. To get an idea on what I'm talking about, look in the example below at...
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Piper Animation Sprites 2
November 05, 2022
Yesterday, I've added in the rest of Piper's standard animations into Dragonbones. Today, I've turned her default attack and running animation into parts of an animation sheet needed for RPG Maker MZ...
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Story Building: World Lore 2
October 25, 2022
Here is more of the general world lore of how things came to be prior to the actual story. Reclaiming What Was Lost As the world was steadily cleansed of malevolence, humanity would begin their effort...
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Story Building: World Lore 1
October 21, 2022
Starting next month, I will be able to properly have Piper playable. But in the meantime, I'm going to provide story details on what the world of this game is like and how things came to be. Of course...
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General Update + Piper Animation Sprites
October 07, 2022
#General Update
It's been awhile since I've made any posts here. Things have been rather hectic since the last one; my family has been getting sick and I had to take care of them in various ways, I had gotten sick, w...
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Party Member Battle Sprites (Dragonbones)
August 22, 2022
I know it's been a while since I last updated on the project. Despite what I've said on Twitter, I wasn't 100% free to continue working and I still am. I did find time to do what this post is about, w...
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Art Asset: Cover Page
July 20, 2022
#Art Asset
I have recently commissioned Chu, creator of the award-winning web-comic Slightly Damned and whose art you've seen in the character profile posts, to produce this piece of cover art for my game. I had...
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Character Profile: Jean Sullivan
June 30, 2022
#Character Profile
General Description Jean is the guildmaster of the Adventurer's Guild and personal teacher for both Aki and Piper! She uses her veteran knowledge to help them become better adventurers while helping h...
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Character Profile: Fuya Katsuki
June 22, 2022
#Character Profile
General Description Fuya is the leader of a small team of mercenaries, called the Dark Wings. She relies on her friends to help capture Wanted individuals by whatever means necessary and tend to be qu...
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Character Profile: Krista
June 12, 2022
#Character Profile
General Description Krista is a pirate, and daughter of the 'mighty' Captain Bluebeard! She acts as the muscle of the crew, with power over ice; and although she might look intimidating, she can be re...
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Character Profile: Calvin Neil
June 06, 2022
#Character Profile
General Description Calvin is a high-ranking Magic Knight who works closely with the higher-ups for special operations that he can carry out on his own. Thanks to the magic crystal prosthetics in plac...
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Area Building: Starlight Arena
May 24, 2022
#Area Building
As part of the next demo I'm working on, I'm currently putting together what is essentially the Arena feature of the game. The Starlight Arena is an area found in the underground city of Shiwa'gorias,...
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Character Profile: Nishi Morgan
May 22, 2022
#Character Profile
General Description Nishi is a kind of Magic-Knight, called an Aquaknight, who specializes in using Water magic to better maneuver around in water and deploying it mostly for defensive purposes. He is...
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Character Profile: Vera Goldtail
May 13, 2022
#Character Profile
General Description Vera is the other dedicated mage of the party, thanks to the many years she's spent learning magic and applying it in the field of education as a teacher. She also has the desire t...
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Character Profile: William Damaris
May 01, 2022
#Character Profile
General Description William, or Will for short, is one of two dedicated mages in the group, thanks to his time at the Royal Magic Academy. When he was younger, he was a close friend of Aki before circ...
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Character Profile: Piper Lasair
April 28, 2022
#Character Profile
General Description Piper can be considered as Aki's best friend and guiding motivator in every action they take. She acts as a secondary leader of the group, for whenever Aki has trouble deciding wha...
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Feature Mechanic: The Picnic Basket (Battle)
April 26, 2022
#Feature Explanation
Time to go over what it is I did to make this feature work during battle. This will go over what I currently have when attempting to make the various Food Tags work when equipped. Function Taking what...
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Feature Mechanic: The Picnic Basket (Menu)
April 20, 2022
#Feature Explanation
This post will be about what I've done to make this specific feature and a bit about what inspired it. I'll do my best to recount some of the programming decisions I made prior to the current build, w...
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Character Profile: Aki Sato
April 18, 2022
#Character Profile
To give insight on the kind of characters I have planned, I'll be reposting what I had put out on social media; while also expanding a bit more on things I didn't include the first time. In any event...
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Picnic Basket Update #1
April 18, 2022
#Update, #Demo
As mentioned before, I have put out a small update that fixes an issue regarding the Food Tag, Beef Bowl. It would not trigger as intended, but with this update it should. I'll be going more in-depth...
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Party Member Battle Sprites (Idle)
April 16, 2022
#Images, #General Update
Out of recommendation, I'm going to start keeping track of what I do here, since this site has a devlog. With everything I'm doing outside of game development, it'll come by slowly. But that's also be...
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