Researching Plugin - Equip Battle Skills

As you know by now, the current plugin I'm using for Passive Skills is one from another developer (Fomar0153), which is close to how some Tales games do them, but it isn't perfect since you don't see immediate results in stat changes. Plus, some of the 'States' that this system makes use of requires a bit more work to get to function the way I want and may cause some trouble later on. That's why I'm contemplating on whether to try a different plugin from Yanfly that would not only provide immediate results but can work well with the other plugins. Hence, I went and got a hold of one plugin, Equip Battle Skills.

So the way this works, is that actors are given a set amount of slots to put in skills of any kind. They can obtain more slots overtime based on what is allowed, whether it's slots for setting skills or slots for the amount of (in this case) Artes and Passive Skills they can equip at once. I initially wanted it to where you could do this with only the Passive Skills, but I found that every ability gets lumped in here regardless. I had to make use of tags like <Hide outside Battle> to make sure certain abilities don't show up in here, but with the plugin I have no choice but to make all artes and skills part of this. On one hand, this could probably give it a different approach, in that you need to set your own abilities ahead of time, though that might complicate things later if you can't change them during battle. Maybe that shouldn't happen anyway, but other than that, only one other thing is keeping me from truly making use of this.

For whatever reason, even with the <Hide in Battle> tag, the Passive Skills still show up. Supposedly they should work, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Until I can find a workaround, or until I can get a better understanding for this plugin to where I can limit it to just Passive Skills, I can't say this will be replacing the current system. I already have an idea for what I can do if I found a way to limit this to Passive Skills, but otherwise, this will be sidelined.


I'm going to be adding in animations for the Baby Boar, so they can join the Mad Boar in the boss fight I need to make for the main story. That shouldn't be too difficult, though given their ripped source, I will have to do a bit more tinkering on their attack animations.

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