Character Profile: Aki Sato

To give insight on the kind of characters I have planned, I'll be reposting what I had put out on social media; while also expanding a bit more on things I didn't include the first time. In any event...

General Description

Aki acts as the main lead character of this game.  She is a kind and helpful adventurer, who always tries to best to help those in need and is very supportive of her friends.  She usually sees the best in people, but often to a fault. When provoked, she can be aggressive. As she took up the same fighting style as her mother, taught to her by an acquaintance, she knows how to handle a sword or two. Even if disarmed, she can use her claws well.

Fighting Style

Currently, most of her abilities revolve around using her two swords. She can use her claws, though that is usually situational since they aren't as efficient as a blade. However, she can still enhance them with electricity, much like with her swords and she can usually swing faster than with two heavy weapons. Either way, she has more of a proficiency in speed, which can sometimes leave her vulnerable.


At the time of her creation, I chose her fighting style to Tales characters like Lloyd and Spada; though mostly Lloyd as he was the first Tales character I ever got to know. You could say that her elemental affinity being Lightning is what gives similarities to Spada, without his brash personality. Her being a cat is just due to them being my favorite kind of animal. And since they can be a kind of comfort animal, that could reflect in her as well.


Aki's role in the story involves helping her friends with achieving their goals, but seems to have her own desires that she puts to the side. Even when given an opportunity to earn something for herself, she feels the need to ensure everyone else's happiness over her own, which may prove harmful down the line the more she pushes herself to do this, especially given her own problems.


At the moment, she is the only playable character that is functional in-game. Most of the party (that I intend to include) only have their idle animations complete, though hopefully they'll get more animations soon. Even then, Aki will need more animations for artes that I can mix and match, and when it comes time to planning Mystic Artes...oh boy.

Art References

Get Tales of Naturia

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