Feature Mechanic: Copy Artes/Condensing Code
I have two things to talk about in this post. The first of which involves something I've decided to do with one of the game's party members, William. I've mentioned before how he would probably learn artes from different sources. While that is still going to happen, one of these sources is something I'll try to elaborate in-story, which is his ability to copy magic artes.
How It Works
The Copy arte comes in three tiers, based on the primary tiers of magic artes; Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced.
Now, each version of the arte will call the same Common Event, and based on certain values that will be part of the next topic below, it will start at the appropriate tier before working its way down. The idea is that the arte checks to see if the enemy used an arte that can be replicated and is of the right tier. The stronger versions will be able to use artes of lower tiers once it runs through all the code.
Presently, I only started on Novice-tier artes for him to replicate, but the idea is still the same. William will act last when using it, and once the enemy(or enemies) have made their move, he will try to use the last arte they used. Of course, it only works with Magic artes, so Physical Artes will result in failure. However, if he manages to use the copied arte enough, he may be able to learn it, depending on how I decide story-wise. With this, I'll have to come up with some unique artes (or at least, pre-existing ones) that only an enemy may use that he could possibly learn in battle, though I'll also need to find some way for players to organize what artes he has on hand. While the game is turn-based, so you would have plenty of time to browse and select, being able to condense on your options without taking up too much time must be considered.
Each version of Copy will have a TP requirement that is % based instead of a flat number, as well as a cooldown timer depending on the tier of magic. This is because the arte that gets replicated will use no TP when cast. Essentially, Copy works as both a mirror move and something akin to Blue Magic where you might be able to learn it. I am working to make it so that using an arte through Copy will result in status ailments either having a stronger chance of being applied or a guaranteed chance it will work to compensate for the cost. At the moment, I have learning artes be based on usage. This may change to where it happens instantly after a successful copy, but that's something I'll have to keep an eye on.
Beyond that, I'll also consider making his Titles unique in that they also give him certain stat changes to allow for possible builds. He could perhaps be a more offensive caster, defensive/supportive, or mixed. I originally didn't even consider him being like a Blue Mage, even with what I have planned for him. So, this does work out quite a lot. With that, let's now talk about the bit of code condensing I was able to do.
Custom Action Sequence Events
I might have mentioned before how I was doing Custom Action Sequences. Before, each arte had their own dedicated Common Event that sets everything up, plays out every single action and wraps everything up for the fight to continue. However, as I was working on the Copy arte, I came to realize something...I could actually condense this down if I use the same thing I did for Copy; Variables.
At the top, I have a command to assign a variable with the Last Used Skill ID. This variable is used for any arte that gets used right at the moment it plays, even as basic attack. In Aki's case, her standard attack is set to 5 in the skill table. When she takes her Attack action, the common event it calls will assign the variable accordingly, and check for If: ArteUsed = 5. From there, it plays everything that happens inside before jumping to Label: Finish, where it wraps up everything. This is a universal finish, and all the functions of the previous system will still play while within the If: conditions. That way, they can all share the same start-up (just different functions based on variables) without needing to repeat them in different events. It goes from looking like it did above, to this:
Of course, because of how Physical and Magic artes vary slightly, I organize them accordingly. Beyond that, they work the same way. They assign the variable, look for what needs to play out, and execute it. I've also done this with the enemy artes, so I don't have to take up so many Common Events. Amazing what one can come up with from doing something off-hand.
I still have to get more work done for William so he can be properly playable in the next update. I'm definitely going to enjoy finding ways to incorporate his particular playstyle as I continue looking for balance in the battle system. Here's hoping things go well.
Get Tales of Naturia
Tales of Naturia
Harmony with Nature RPG
Status | In development |
Author | Mediahunter1 |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | 2D, Furry, RPG Maker, Singleplayer, tales-of |
Languages | English |
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