Map Design: Forest Ruins - Exterior

With the first boss done (and in need of some finishing touches), I can once again return to the ancient ruins that lie deep within the forest. It is said that an evil spirit was sealed inside its magical boundaries after the start of the new world, and is now guarded by the Watchers that keep guard over the town, Dalry, and protecting the residents there. The doors (none of the event tiles are present here) have seemingly opened despite them being closed for thousands of years. Whatever the case, it would appear that Aki's siblings have gone inside, unaware of the evil spirit inside, and have been captured.  Aki and Piper need to explore the ruins and deal with the evil spirit's forces if they are to rescue the kids.

If you've played the first demo, even after the change in tilesets, the map was a lot smaller. I've expanded it for the sake of an establishing shot upon first entering. Since not everything is intended to be seen, I don't think it needs to be shrunk at the moment, unless I need to to try and add things so it isn't so empty around the middle. It's one of those things that can be improved over time through revisits. The real challenge is going to be the interior. Coming up with puzzles is going to be an experience since I haven't done this sort of thing in years. Not since my first attempt at a Tales fan-game, though that's a story for another day.

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