Character Profile: Fuya Katsuki

General Description

Fuya is the leader of a small team of mercenaries, called the Dark Wings. She relies on her friends to help capture Wanted individuals by whatever means necessary and tend to be quite destructive at times. They are looking for one individual in particular that has been a source of misfortune for several years since they started this group.

Fighting Style

Like her distant cousin, Calvin, Fuya specializes more in melee combat while making use of a magic-conjured arm in conjunction with a metal bat she wields. While a little on the slow side, she makes use of banners that are embroidered materials that when given mana, provide a kind of support effect that reaches the party. While effective, this can drain her mana faster the longer it remains. In a way, she is her own form of support melee combatant.


As far as character inspiration goes, I don't really have a specific example off the top of my head. Her hair is something that could be taken from 90s anime designs (or even Stahn from Destiny), while her outfit I would say is something from Jotaro of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Just someone tough but reliable, though Fuya at least has more fun in her line of work.


In the past, she used to be part of the Adventurer's Guild. She would butt heads with the guildmaster and compete with one of her close friends for jobs. She was eventually given a magic prosthetic to better suit her needs in combat. At one point, she was tasked with a escorting a client during their Spirit Pilgrimage, but something terrible happened that resulted in their end. Wishing to pursue someone involved, she left the guild to join her friends in becoming mercenaries to find the individual.

Fuya encounters Aki's group on multiple occasions and though helpful, she isn't exactly liked by Piper for how she influences her friend. Through one meeting where they do fight, the Dark Wings end up joining them more often on their adventures.


Only one more character profile remains. Then I'll try and find time to put more of that demo together.

Art References

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