Arena Demo - Update #2

This update is more on the minor side, but it's mostly for things that I had a chance to play with while looking toward progressing the main story. I had a lot going on so I wasn't able to move the story along, though at least here are some additions/changes from the previous version.

Style Shift

Piper's exclusive ability is being able to change from different forms that can alter her overall power and defense. I've currently programmed four forms that she can use while in battle. At this time, I haven't found a way to switch outside of battle, though they can be used well with Action Plus enabled.

Copy Arte Changes

I changed how William's Copy Artes work, so you can now target an enemy to apply the effect to. If they use a magic arte, William will be able to use it right after them. Naturally, there is still a cooldown in place, but otherwise he will act so long as he is not affected by ailments that would prevent him acting normally.


Using some assets available from Caz, I decided to add key icons to the menus. At some point, I would like to redecorate the menus and UI with icons that better match what they're for. Maybe not everything needs icons, but that's something for later. For now, key icons will now be present in the menus proper. I've also changed the Element icons to that of the ones in Tales of Destiny DC, along with a few custom ones by me. I also had to reorganize how they're set up, which also meant having to go and fix any skills and traits that originally had them in different type slots. Otherwise, say that when you look up an enemy in the Monster Book, you will see their magic elements listed first before the weapon/non-weapon types below.

Re-Aligned Battlers

Using one of the pre-installed plugins, I was able to realign the main party to where they also appear in a line. This way, they will be better matched up with the enemies (who I also realigned), and so that they don't feel off-center with the battlebacks. If I can figure out how to use the 3D plugin, I would like to try making battlebacks that use the tilesets so that I can try and create different environments without relying on the pre-made ones.


General stability and fixes to make sure it is presentable.

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