Small Update Planned - Patch Turtlez

While working on a (possibly temporary) solution to Piper's Forms, I came to a decision that I should really have some way for players to be able to continue from their save file without needing to worry about things breaking. With how some artes change, and some even change places in the database, it would help if I had some kind of NPC that can initialize the party you have, reapply any EXP they had, restore classes they had, etc. Thus, the creation of...the Patch Turtlez.

I'm still working on getting things worked out, but basically, you would talk to him and he can fix up your party by way of coding. Your equipment would removed (placed into your inventory and thus need to be requipped), the party would be emptied and re-added at their base level (which, I changed to 1, but when starting a new game, Aki and Piper will be set to 3 while William will use the average EXP earned from the two to determine his level), specialty artes (Altered, Copied, or Style based) will be re-added accordingly, titles will be added based on the proxy armor in place of titles, and then whatever else I can think of. All in a Common Event that can be called up. Once done, I'll put in the update addressing this and a few minor things (like the final boss music persisting after starting a regular battle) that I found.

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