Feature Mechanic: Action Prompts

Over the course of last week, as I was addressing issues from the feedback, I had the thought to try using the Visual Text Window Plugin that I had to use as a replacement for using pictures to display a viewable Skit. I ended up creating a Common Event that, once I work things out, it'll become a Parallel Event, looking like this.

Basically, when turned on, if an assigned variable matches whatever number I put in, it will display the text box for a viewable skit. As in some games, there is a button icon that animates to look like it's being pressed, and I replicated that here. So for several frames, it'll display one icon, and then change to the other afterwards in a repeating loop. Subsequently, that's how I thought about doing the same for Action Prompts, like whenever there's an NPC or an object you can interact with, it'll show another box to let you know you can do something.

It functions in a similar manner, but there is one added step involved. Each map has two events, one to keep track of where the player is at all times. The other is there to check and see if the player is within range of interactable events, to which it will either do nothing and loop around, or it will assign a variable and turn on the common event via switches.

In addition, I have made Common Events that will turn off various switches so that the action prompt doesn't appear, along with any skits that might be present. I insert commands to activate those in any event that the player can interact with. I am thinking about having a prompt come up during dialogue to let the player know you can advance the text, but that may require a little more time since it would mean putting the commands in the text boxes and also making sure to close them each time between text box commands.

At the very least, when I eventually update the Prologue Demo (which may be in a week or two), I want to include the standard Action Prompts for general use. It'll still be a long time before I introduce Skits to the game, but that I at least have a good foundation to work with. I'll be adding the prompts in as I go through the rest of the demo to fix as many issues as I can.

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