Arena Demo - First Release!

The Arena Demo has finally been released! Again, this will be updated periodically as I balance things out and fix certain issues. You can find what is available in the earlier devlog, but here are some things I would like to touch up for later.

Power Scaling

While you can complete everything, it will require getting the best gear you can buy; which is easy with how I've set the rewards in the fights. It's just a matter of figuring out the best damage formulas to try and ensure difficult but fair fights. This also means balancing the different resistances/weaknesses enemies have based on what is used against them.


Recently, I found one of the plugins is causing an issue with how characters appear. If they are the last to be hit, they will be stuck to their idle or damage animation until their next action. For now, I have it set to where to keep the characters from getting stuck in a "damage animation loop", I have to force them into their idle one even if they are guarding. This too, will be fixed.

I will open comments to see about any other issues that crop up and I will get to fixing. Otherwise, please enjoy the demo.

Files 198 MB
Jan 21, 2023

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