Research Needed for Vera

So going through my current options, it seems I won't be able to program Vera in time for the next update; as such I'll focus more on getting it finished up with everything else. I do want to want to talk about a possible way of working her fighting style into the game.

First thing to note is that, besides the trees getting their miracle growth, the magic circle below them is a placeholder. I use it for the player characters whenever they're casting a magic arte (current exception is Vera because of her staff). Second, the image I do end up using for Vera's magic circle placement is making use of the Visual Battle Environment Plugin from Yanfly. It lets me an image of various kinds to the foreground or background. This was something that I really needed so the image I used looked like it was underneath the enemy and not covering them up. I will need to tinker with it so I can try adding little particle effects, and not just be a static image.

Beyond that, I'll need to figure out what kind of common events to use since, again, these will act like those field of effect spells that can turn one arte into another, while also having a different effect when left alone. What kind of condition should I have that they are maintained until done? I can make use of the battle event tabs (I would just have to remember to apply to every troop I have), but what else? These are things I'll have to work out overtime, but otherwise I'm gonna focus on the story first and work my way up to her appearance.


Barring anything unexpected, the next update will be around the end of the month. I need to make adjustments and test out the demo again to ensure it will work for everyone else.

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