Arena Demo - Update #6
I had time before MAGFest to update the Arena Demo so that players can try out some mechanics I've put in the main story. This includes...
General Additions
- Everything that was added in the Prologue Demo update is applied here. This includes the Sorcerer's Ring, which doesn't really do anything here but is there for consistency.
- Over Limit is usable here, along with the OVL Gauge for each playable character. A full segment of the bar (there are four segments total) will allow the use of their ability, and a full bar will let you enter Over Limit with that character. While in Over Limit, a character can make use of their OVL Ability without consuming a segment of the gauge.
Updated Abilities
- Aki's Altered Artes are performed by holding Left and Enter before she makes an action. Because the Action Plus passive skill is available, you can use this ability inbetween actions that she performs in a row. For example, you choose to have her do "Demon Fang" and "Tiger Blade". Holding the keys during the first action will lead into the second arte turning into "Lightning Tiger Blade". Alternatively, you may hold the keys ahead of time if you know she will attack right away and you can have her do "Fierce Demon Fang" in this same selection.
- Piper's Battle Forms are triggered through the same key combination, and have different effects. Her default form (Normal Form) is always at the start of battle and will increase her Accuracy and OVL generation at the end of her turns. Advance Form increases her ATK by 25% while decreasing her MAT by 25%; as well as increasing Evasion to physical attacks and magic damage taken. Brainiac Form does the opposite; boosting MAT and Magic Evasion while increasing physical damage taken and lowering the ATK stat. Critical Form boosts ATK and MAT stats, while increasing damage to both types. However, her Critical Rate is increased.
- William's Mimicast works as like the above, and can be used after an enemy casts a magic arte. It functions the same as before, though with emulate skill effects to allow damage and effects without wasting his actions.
New Playable Character
- Vera is now playable, after reaching level 8 and talking to her on the upper floor of the main lobby. Unlike the other characters, she doesn't have any available titles or learnable artes from leveling up. She has plenty to try out though, including her own abilities. She can set up magic arrays that are a form of Spirit Arte that are placed onto the field and have passive effects that remain while standing on them. Some even do damage after each turn.
- Her OVL Ability is Arcane Burst, which can be triggered after an action rather before starting it. This causes all magic arrays she's set up to burst; damaging enemies or healing allies. This erases them after, unless she is in Over Limit, in which they have their duration shortened by one.
- One other ability she has is being able to call Corrine into battle. This can be done by holding the Down and Enter keys prior to an action. The idea is that he will perform his own follow-up action depending on what Vera does. However, he only has a few actions at this time. Mini Shine (which he does when Vera casts Seraphic Bolt), Swipe (where he will attempt to steal an enemy's item if she does a physical attack while in the front row), and lastly he'll use an item if she uses one. These can only happen if she has TP or the items to use them.
Super Guard
- One other OVL ability everyone has is from a passive skill they can equip that decreases physical damage by 90%. This happens by holding Down and Enter right before an enemy's attack makes contact. This effect lasts during the action itself.
Wicked Tree Adjustment
- Since Vera can join the party, the Wicked Tree had its health increased to 10000.
Limit Bottle
- While OVL accumulation happens whenever you attack, receive attacks or by guarding, you can also fill the gauge entirely by using a Limit Bottle. You can purchase these in the Item shop.
Future Changes
- Most changes will reflect the current state of the party as I do the story. Although, as I get further along and get stronger enemies, I will gradually add more enemies to the roster. I'll also include titles for Vera, some demo exclusive skits, and refine other things that require fixing or balancing.
After MAGFest, I can address any issues that may come from this update. Otherwise, once the last of my video projects are done, I will be moving back into the main story. Whatever I do there can be brought over into both demos as necessary.
Get Tales of Naturia
Tales of Naturia
Harmony with Nature RPG
Status | In development |
Author | Mediahunter1 |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | 2D, Furry, RPG Maker, Singleplayer, tales-of |
Languages | English |
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