Character Profile: Kaku Haruhi and Family

I recently finished putting together the main sprite sheets for supporting characters that are related to the main character, who will be part of the start of the story and some side-stuff later on. The main focus is on Kaku, the third in an old three-man adventurer group with Jean and Haru.

General Description

Kaku, like with Jean and Haru, was an adventurer who traveled the world and accomplished many tasks that helped society one way or another. She acted as the bruiser of the group,  given her size and strength.  While she retired from adventuring, she still carries the same strength and will to protect those close to her.


Much as it was with Jean and Haru, she became an adventurer to pursue their own dreams and desires. Kaku wanted to see the world while also riding the rails that connected the different settlements on each continent. During her travels, she would meet Toto and become rivals given their fighting styles, which later grew intimate after enough time. She also settled down with him, a year after she took in Aki. While working as a station master in the small town of Dalry, she would have three children; Kiki, Momo, and Tatsu, the latter being the eldest by two years.


The family would live as happily as they can be, while in support of Aki wanting to become an adventurer. The kids saw her like an older sister who would keep them in line whenever they got into trouble. Tatsu would also try to keep their younger siblings in line, though would usually resort to going along with Momo's antics just to see how they would turn out. Kiki, though the sweetest of the three, would sometimes help Momo in his little adventures.

Lately, the three have been going deep into the nearby forest despite monster activity increasing. And on the day that Aki and Piper are to be visited by their aunt, Jean, they had gone in and were lost inside some old ruins that were reportedly sealed off to the public. So, before they can meet their master, Aki and Piper need to rescue them.


While at the moment, they're involvement in the story is during the beginning, I do hope to expand upon them through side-quests and the like. I needed to get their base sheets done before I can work on the first major dungeon of the game, which I'll do after I do a bit of reorganizing to accommodate the Passive Skills I plan to have or try to have.

Art Reference


ToNArenaDemoV2.rar 195 MB
Mar 27, 2023
ToNArenaDemoV2MacOS.rar 223 MB
Mar 27, 2023

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