Character Profile: Vera Goldtail

General Description

Vera is the other dedicated mage of the party, thanks to the many years she's spent learning magic and applying it in the field of education as a teacher. She also has the desire to travel the world in order to meet the Great Spirits that embody mana and the elements that derive from it. She also has a son, named Corrine, who she deeply cares for and does whatever she can to nurture him in order to become a mage himself one day. Both are considered Familiars, a sub-race of Beastfolk, who have a unique biology that gives them the properties of spirits as well as normal humanoids.

Fighting Style

While capable of casting artes like William can, she mainly relies on using Spirit Artes, which rely on spirits to empower and better cast artes without needing to use much of her own. Depending on the arte, these can be seen as more efficient, whether in terms of power or in cast time. In addition, she will allow Corrine to cast artes of his own so long as he doesn't overexert himself due to his condition. How this will be implemented is something I'll look into once she's properly incorporated.


As far characters so, she's closely like Raine from Symphonia given her role as a teacher. Albeit, she's more patient and is less prone to get upset over things. Part of her outfit is lifted from Annie from Rebirth and originally I would have based her fighting style off her, before away from it.


When she was young, she wanted to make herself well known for more than what her prestige family is known for. She attended a school overseas to learn about Spirit Artes and ended up finding love with another student, much to her family's disproval. Even after having a child and losing her husband, she desired to take the Spirit Pilgrimage (that many wizards have taken up in the past), in order to give positive influence to the magic community and the world in general instead of hoarding the power.

Vera tends to take extra care of Corrine, due to him having an underdeveloped Mana Lobe, which causes him to produce less mana than what is needed for Familiars like them to live. He isn't bothered by this and even desires to become a wizard like his mother. With approval from the kingdom, she and her son set on their journey with the company of Aki's group to protect them. It looks to be an enlightening experience, but what sort of outside forces plan to crash it all?


Right now, with everyone having idle animations, I'm starting to create another form of demo that will gradually see the party be playable as more animations are made. It will also give me a chance to experiment with different battle system plugins so I can try and give everyone their respective fighting style.

Art References

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