Arena Demo - Introduction Scene

Now that I've returned from MAGFest, I'm going to devote more time this month to the game and actually have the demo done this month. Prior to this month, I was able to implement a kind of story cutscene that may end up in the main game (albeit with any changes depending on circumstance) and wanted to share that with you all. It makes use of VisuStella plug-ins that let me play with the text boxes better so it's easier to produce without them clipping or anything.

 My goal for the year is to get enough of the main story done that a Prologue demo can be made for you all. However, I will still be updating the Arena demo with new monsters, characters, and any changes to the battle system I happen to make. It'll still be using the standard plug-ins from VisuStella, I'm hoping that someone finds a way to make a plug-in like Moghunter's LMBS plug-in for MV but for MZ. That way, it can really be like a more traditional Tales game. For now though, I need to balance things out so there's incentive to try everything out. I hope you look forward to it.

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