Progress Report: Mystic Arte Complete + Arena Demo Tested

Last stream, I finished up the boss Mystic Arte that can be used for an eventual rematch fight, and changed up the cutscene version of it so it can lead into the rest of the story that plays during that battle. This also included actually putting in Jean, as she (and Fuya, I just realized) haven't had their animations implemented. Not that she had anything outside the idle animation, but for the sake of the story, it needed to be put in for a transition. I also spent the stream doing an in-engine test of the Arena Demo, as the current build can be used to upload onto here, after a deployment test that I also did in my own time. That can be uploaded any time, but I may substitute that if the results of next week's streams mean anything.

Starting next week, and maybe for the rest of the month, on the days I stream I'm going to try and get a playable version of Vera/Corrine available. It'll be far from what I want, but at least it can be a basic test of her Summon mechanic. If I'm satisfied by month's end, I'll deploy that build to upload.

With that in mind, I'm going to do a test-play of the Prologue Demo and make sure 'everything' works as intended, and then again during a deployment test. This will be done off-stream, while the Arena-related stuff will be streamed. If I get done with the Prologue tests, I will apply any Arena stuff to off-stream activities. Either way, I intend to get these done by the end of the year, and upload them New Year's Day. I want to ring in the new year with the results of the previous one.

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