General Update 2

Apologies for the lack of updates lately. Late last month, I was away for a convention, and when I got back I thought I would have an opportunity to get some major work done. Turns out, I was wrong. I got swamped with work, both outside the internet and on it. With the holiday season happening, it felt demoralizing to where I couldn't find time for much with the game. That isn't to say I haven't done some kind of work, but real-life and other obligations keep getting in the way. I should be able to get more done after the holidays, though at this point I don't know anymore. I wish I could say I still have a demo coming early next month, but it's looking less likely with my schedule.

At the very least, I have a couple things that have been accomplished. First, Piper's Burning Moon animation has been completed and added into the game. I just need to find time to test it because I want to try something that would allow for multi-hit damage based on which enemy is targeted.

The second thing is that, on a separate project file, I'm keeping a kind of archive for story dialogue I want to have. I already have a general idea of the kind of plot I want, so any dialogue that might come out of it will just pop into my head that I would like and can improve/change later will be added there. I can always pull them out of the archive to put into the main project. I figure it's the least I could do whenever I'm not feeling productive after doing everything else I have to do, I will have done something that will come into play down the line.

Thank you for your patience, I hope that next time I'll have better news than this.

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